May 5, 2024
Dave Sharpe-Legendary Marketer

Try the Legendary Marketing 15 Day Challenge

Let me tell you a story about poor Gary.

Gary was an eager employee who worked his guts out for his company.

Does whatever his boss says. Worked 18 hour days. Endured all the

BS workplace politics. With the hope it’ll be worth it.

Come evaluation time, the boss proudly gives him a shocking 2% raise!

Needless to say, Gary is FURIOUS.

Thanks to this revelation from my friend Shawn, here’s what Gary

should have done instead.

Signed up with Legendary Marketer

FACE IT: Companies have commitment issues. They’re like the runaway

bride that stands up the groom at the altar and crushes all hope.

Even though the groom goes the extra mile and sinks in resources.

They just don’t care!

That’s why you should take control of your life and give yourself

a raise of at least 10%, 20% and all the way to 100%.

Here’s how: Legendary Marketer


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Fred Rye is a blogger and digital marketer, you can check out our other site, As a senior myself, I wanted to put up a website for fellow seniors to learn how they can have a second business. Feel free to look around, leave comments, and let us know if we can help you.

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